Recent projects

Lung Association

Ontario Lung Association

Whether it’s from tobacco or cannabis, smoke is harmful to lung health. But for all the conversations about cannabis since its legalization in Canada, this particular health risk is rarely discussed.


HP Canada

To help Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs)understand why they would need HP’s print security products and services, we needed them to truly understand the issue – namely, that a hacker will do anything to infiltrate a company.



Through its Real Beauty movement, Dove is renowned for challenging unrealistic female stereotypes and imagery. But a recent global survey showed that 70% of women felt underrepresented in media and advertising, and directly related to this, only 11% of Canadian women were satisfied with their appearance.


Canadian Women's Foundation

The Canadian Women’s Foundation, Canada’s public foundation for women and girls, discovered that 67 per cent of Canadians don’t fully understand how to give or receive sexual consent.

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